interview with Stormgarde

What´s the name off bands? Stormgarde
Who started the band? Günter started the band with our former keyboarder Malte and our former guitarplayer David.
Tell us a brief introduction of who you are? We are a female fronted melodic metal band
Where are you from?
We are from the Ruhr area in Germany
How did you meet? The startmembers were together in school
What is your name?/Who plays what?/How old are you?

Stormgarde are:
Sabrina, 29, vocals
Markus, 34, rhythm guitar
Sebastian, 35, lead guitar
Pfanny, 30, bass

Günter, 30, drums
What was the plan when you started the band? Our plan was to make music we like
Each was led first gig?/Where were off last gig?
Our first gig was a gig in our school in Recklinghausen in the year 2001, our last gig was in Hamburg in 2012
Who writes the songs?/Who does the music? Günter, Markus and Sebastian write most of the songs. But every musician is part of the writingprocess
Who has the best humor? Sabrina
Do you own songs or covers? We own all of our songs
Have you released any album or single? yes, we have released one album
What are they called so, and what years they were released? It's called "The answer" and was released in 2008
What do you sell for merchendise gadgets? We sell T-shirts and buttons
How old were you when you started with music? most of us were 16 when we started Stormgarde
Have you had any previous bands? Sebastians former Band is called “Neon Sunrise”
What do you do besides the band and the music? Everybody has a main job or goes to university
What countries have you played in? We have only played in Germany yet
Tell us about your upcoming shows and why we should be there? there are no upcoming shows at the moment
What are your web pages?

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