interview with rebelHot

Have any of you played in other bands? Yes, Paul and Ze plays also in the hard rock band Lizhard, Frank previously played with the hard rock band Skills in Veins and Husty is coming from various rock and southern rock bands

What are your names? / Who plays what? Husty (Voice), Paul (Guitar), Ze (Bass), Frank (Drums)

Have you had other previous members? No

Did you make music even when you were young? We all grow up with music

Where are you from? Italy

What year did the band form? 2012

What's your style of genre? 70s rock with a southern taste

What inspires you? Cry of love (band)

How often and where do you reherse? One a week 

Do you have other interests of work outside the band? Guess LOL

What are your songs about? Freedom, sex, music…life..

Who does the composing and writes the lyrics? Husty and Ze

Do you start with the music or the lyrics? Music

Have you done any covers live? Yes we’ve played some Hendrix tunes, ZZTop, Cry of Love, Grand Funk Railroad…

Do you always play the same songs live, or do you vary? You should come and listen…

Where do you plan to gig the comming year? We’ve alredy some gigs booking in Europe

Where can people buy your merchandise? People can buy merchandise like Tshirts, Stickers, Baseball Caps via our website

What do you think about people downloading music instead of buying records now a days? What to say, we can’t stop it. We started working on our debut album on may 11th 2012! Four years, 16 days, hundreds of nights awake, a lot of sweat and love! We asnk not to download illegaly in four minutes what we created with a lot of work and passion in four years! Support us, buy the CD (6 pages booklet with all lyrics included!) . If you download illegally you kill the music. If you do it, check it out but if you like it, please buy the album, it’s just few euros but we’ll be able to go on making music for you.

How do you think the music industry have changed because of this? A lot but the music companies were not proactive and when everything was ruined it was too late

What do you think of my work? It a good way to support bands, we all need people like you with passion for music

How do you think and know that this interview will help you in the music business? You should tell us LOL

What advice would you give other bands or artists? Find the right people before to find the right musician and then play what you like. Create new music and play everywhere you can.

What are your web sites?,, @rebelHot_band (Twitter) 

How can people reach you? Via our official website and our facebook page  

What are your plans for the future? Play live as much we can and work on the new album

Do you have something to add? Thanks to you and your readers, check out our new video, share it and support us!

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