interview med Xehanort.
What is the name of your band? Xehanort.
Name of the band-members?John Galloway
Where did you grow up? I grew up in a rural area in Florida of the United States called Shady Hills
How old are you? I am currently 20 years old!
Who started the band? I started it as a solo project thing so that I could express my musical ideas and whatnot.
Where have you played 2012/2013? Given Xehanort is just a medium through which I produce music, and I work and go to school, I don't have the time to play, so it's just an internet project for the moment!
Where can people se you? Unfortunately, I can't be seen live yet. Perhaps in the future some time, though!
Do you have a web-site?
What is the name of your best song? Currently, the song I'm most proud of is called Shinigami.
Who plays what? I actually just do vocals.
What kind of music are you into? Mainly progressive death metal. I guess that branches out into a lot of stuff though. Between the Buried and Me, Periphery, The Faceless, The Contortionist, stuff like that. I also like a lot of other stuff though, including less "brutal" stuff like Asking Alexandria though! Haha.
Have you been on tour this summer? Nope, although it'd be cool to tour.
Do you have a planed tour anytime soon?No tours in the near or distant future planned, unfortunately!
Who came up with the band name? I did! It's a character from my favorite video game series, Kingdom Hearts.
Who writes the songs?I write everything!
what song do you play the most? Since I don't play any, I don't have a most-played song. I would probably play Shinigami most, if I had a full live band to perform the songs, though!
Do you play the same songs each performance? If I did perform, I would try to mix it up!
Have you realesed a album or single? So far, I've released a short EP and a Single. I have an album coming out this summer, as well as an "ongoing" LP, the songs of which I release as time progresses.
Are you working on any new songs? I'm working on revising material for my upcoming LP. Aside from that, I'm also working on a couple covers and a new song for the ongoing LP.