interview with social shit

What is the name of the band? social shit
What made you be simply named "Social Brutal SHIT"? We named just that distinguishes us from a small punk scene
Who started the band? Achoshit : bass and vocals , peeled : drums and ripper : guitar
How did you meet?
On the streets in recitals
What is your name?/Who plays what?/How old are you? Acho, bass and vocals , 38
What was the plan when the band started? Touching worldwide our extreme style
Explain that you have not heard, how your music? Brutal , fast and sick
Who writes the songs?/Who does the music? The composition is done achoshit
Who has the best humor?
Caitoxico: guitar
Good and bad sides of the band? Good word , the distance between us as musicians today
Do you own songs or covers? All social issues are shit
What are they called so and what year they were released?
2003 sounds of destruction , grinder kaos 2006 , lsd sexxxperience 2010 , chaotic grind fucking devastation 2013
How old were you when you started with music? 13 years old
When did you decide to focus on music? When I bought my first instrument
How has your music evolved since you started playing music together? tours , dates , many friends, many trips
What are your dreams with the band? And perform all
What has been your biggest challenge as a band?
Browse the old continent
What record is what works? venal prods
How is this time of year to get out on the concert?
The best does not really cold and people attending
What have you participated in the past?
Obscene Extreme fest
Have you had any previous bands?
Terrorist bass, vocals , guitar and vocals dkm
What do you do besides the band and music? I teach physical education and jiu jitsu
How important are your fans? friends are most
What is the funniest thing a fan has done for you? written all over getting social shit
How old were you at your first concert you saw? 14 years
How old were you when you were on stage for the first time? 15 years
What are you afraid will happen in the future? that with me to Planet of the Apes
What is the biggest fear when you go on stage? Beyond that no beer
What drives a band that is not well known and live it to continue to play? The desire to play and record to leave a legacy
How do you prepare for a concert? sleeping well
What are your favorite and least favorite places up in the woods? Brazil and Buenos Aires
Best/Worst concert performed? All are good
How many people usually come to your concert? The country depends depends depends on the weather site
Where he'll play the rest of the year? This year break
What is your view of the music industry today? very good each time more independent
What was one fraction of their time as a band? 2006 after the South American tour
What are your websites? social brutal shit band
Who are your role models before? my family
What inspires you? Everything around me
What are your plans for the future? Being with my family and record a new album next year
What are the main obstacles for the band?
In getting paid and treated like you deserve
Do you have anything to add? Thank you very much for all the support!


1 Kristin - Photography:

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