interview with IN TORMENT

What´s the name of your band? IN TORMENT

How was the band formed? The band was formed in 1997 with the intention of playing Death Metal. The original members played in other bands as well, but decided to create a new band in order to create a new sound.

Can you tell about your band? IN TORMENT is a Brazilian Death Metal band that has three full length albums.

Who does what in the band? Alex Zuchi – Vocals / Alexandre Graessler – guitars / Rafael Giovanoli – Guitars / Dionatan Britto – Drums / Bruno Fogaça – Bass.

What was the ambitions of the band when you started? Just play Death Metal and have fun.

Could you explain your music to someone that haven't heard you? It’s a mix of 90’s Death Metal with a 2000’s Technical approach.

Where was your first gig? In our local city.

Where was the latest gig? A brutal concert with Kataklysm in São Paulo, Brazil.

Who writes your songs?/Who writes the music who writes lyrics? The “string guys” usually write the songs. The lyrics are written by me (the vocalist).

What genre do you feel you are? Death Metal.

Why did you pick that particular style?/What are your songs about? We are fans of extreme music. Death Metal has all the important elements that we like: it’s brutal, fast, challenging, and technical. The lyrics deal with the obscure side of the human minds. Also, the lyrics deal with the interaction among different levels of consciousness, gods and dimensions.

Do you write your own material or mainly covers? Only original stuff.

Have you made any albums?/If yes what are they? We have 3 full length albums. 1° - Diabolical Mutilation of Torment Souls (2006) / 2° - Paradoxical Visions of Emptiness (2011) / 3° - Sphere of Metaphysical Incarnations (2014). We have some previous demos and promos as well.

Do you have any clips on YouTube? Yes, we have a few:

How old are you?/What got you started in music? I’m 36, and I started singing Death Metal because I really like extreme music, besides, to write lyrics is an amazing task.

At what age did you start playing? Around 15 (in previous bands).

How old were you guys when you first stood on stage? I was 20 in my first concert with IN TORMENT.

What year was the band started? The band started in 1997.

Best/worst gig you've played?

Worst: A concert IN TORMENT did with some rock/prog bands several years ago… the promoter “forgot” to put our name on the flyer. And we shocked the audience.

Best: concerts with Cannibal Corpse, Vader, Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Origin, Kataklysm, Exumer, and great Brazilian bands throughout the years.

What places will you be playing in in the imidate future? Some concerts in Brazil.

Witch band is the best you´ve seen? Krisiun, Cannibal Corpse, Black Sabbath, Napalm Death, Nile, etc…

What has been the best/most promising gig so far? The Tour in Europe in 2012.

How big crowds do you usually play for? It depends… from 100 to 3000.

What are the plans for the rest of the year? To promote the new album.

What are your goals with your music? To create original music and to promote it.

Is it easier to get your inspiration from older bands or from bands more modern? We get inspiration from ourselves. We don’t want to be a clone of a famous band.

What are your sources of inspiration? Life itself.

What's the first step when making a new song? To feel the music belongs to IN TORMENT. The riffs, the harmonies, the lyrics must be connected to our vision. 

How do you feel about the downloading of music instead of buying albums? It’s hard to answer. There are two sides. First, the downloading is obvious bad for the musicians. But it’s easier to promote new bands today.  Second, in Brazil it’s hard to buy original albums (they are too expensive). So, the audience ends buying some albums and downloading others…

What would be your dreams for the band? To become a well-known name and make a living on our band.   

Besides your own music, what genres and bands do you listen to? I like different kinds of music. Besides extreme music, I really like classical and pop/rock music. From Beethoven to Depeche Mode. Music has to be good and touch your senses.

What do you hold most dear? Family, friends and principles.

What would be your greatest fears for the future? To die without accomplish all my goals.

When you are on stage, what do you fear most then? People don’t get involved…

Have you been part of any other projects? Yes, I played in Master of Brutality (1993-1995) and Leprosy (1996).

What do you work with outside of the band and the music? I’m a Mechanical Engineer, teacher and trying to become a writer.

What would you do if there was no music? Answer above.

How important are your fans? They are vital. Without an audience, a musician is almost nothing.

What's the funniest/most memorable thing a fan has done for you? Some are unprintable… but we always have a good time with our fans.

How often do you rehearse? Twice a week.

Where do you rehearse? We have our own studio.

Name 2 of your own songs you like at the moment? “The Unnatural Conception” and “Mechanisms of Domination” both from the latest album.

What drives a band that isn't all that famous and renowned to try to make a living on their music and to keep playing? Love for the music.

Do you have any webpages? We have a Facebook page:

Any pearls of wisdom for all other bands out there? Do what you like. Don’t follow trends and don’t copy other bands.

Describe your show, visually and musically: We are an aggressive live band. We have a good stage presence and passion for the music.

How do you view the music industry of today? Absolutely fucked! Too many bands, bad structure and no money involved.

What are the biggest obstacles for a band? Lack of money.

Tell us about upcomming gigs and why we should be at them? We have a new album being released. So, we are booking some gigs. If you like Death Metal and enjoy a concert full of energy, IN TORMENT’s concert is for you.

How would you describe your sound in one sentence: Extreme.

Whats your Pre-show ritual? The warm-up and isolation.

Do you have anything to add? Thanks for the interview and keep up supporting metal.


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