interview with B4i

Have any of you played in other bands? Chino - We have all been in bands, some of us  far back as high school, but as you can see we're all still writing music, just better at it. Please don't interpret that as arrogance, I simply mean practice makes perfect lol.
How is it that you started playing music? Chino: I can't speak for the other guy's but I knew I was drawn to playing the guitar that it was the only thing I would think of so naturally finding other musicians to develop that it would happen to be.
What are your names? / Who plays what? / How old are you? The band consists of Chino 42 plays the 8 string guitar and mainly responsible for crafting the melodies by presenting the work in complete form except for the drum programming in which our drummer Phil 40 will embellish his take on it and finalizing the musical structure and last but not least our singer the Alchemist 36 lends his words to the music. We have Danny Guerry 30 singer/guitarist of Souls Condemned assisting as second guitarist and Martin Baldenegro 29 on bass
Have you had other previous members? Chino: Yes 3 total but, for the most part it's been the singer and I keeping the music alive and fortunately Phil came in to drum out the parts and make our sound bigger and of course with that we we're able to recruit the other members.
Did you make music even when you were young? Chino: I'm sure we all did.
Where are you from? Chino: We are a collection of players from Arizona, South Carolina, to California.
What year did the band form? 2015
What's your style of genre? Metal
What inspires you? Things that happen around us and the bands we listen to
How have you developed since you started with the music? Chino: in the past I would write the music and say that's okay and go with it, but now I realize I want more out of myself and how I write, so the process is taking longer only because I want the music to make sense. Giving the audience something real and not fake and of course not bs ourselves in the course of things.  
Do you have other interests of work outside the band? Mostly what we work for is for the band and in hopes of spreading our music.
Are you looking for a booking agency, and what are your thoughts around that? We would love to find a company that can beleive in us and help us in ways that can help both interest involved. So far we're still seeking and keeping our ears and eyes open. 
Are you looking for a label, and what are your thoughts around Label? only if they promote us and distribute us in the right market, but shelf us and have us locked out of our music no. I think with a great booking company we could stay busy as a band till the right thing came along.
What made you decide to make this music? It feels right and giving the time into makes us feel as if this is what we are meant to do and that is chase and live your passion, it's the only way we will know how far we can go.
What are your songs about? We try not to be political but we do have a few songs about the government trying to control us. Also things people deal with daily violence,  drama and death.Mostly about the daily grind and the people in your life that offer good and the ones that are nothing but toxicity 
Who does the composing and writes the lyrics? B4i as a unit. Chino will come in with the music and the Alchemist will work the words while the band discus the story and what the body of work is about. phil is the icing with his style of drumming 
Do you start with the music or the lyrics? Music first and talk of topics before laying down the words.
Do you compose in a certain inviroment? Yes, once the music is composed then there is a period of alone time with the music listening to it endlessly till ideas form and structure a composition 
Have you done any covers live? Yes we play One way or another by Blondie every performance
What language do you sing in? English
What are the least and most people to attend one of your gigs? Least probably 2 people most probably 100
What ages are most of your concert attendants? Old enough to get in a bar
Do you always play the same songs live, or do you vary? We do our set and variables depending on what the current situation is 
Do you have a regular place you play live often? We try not to play the same place too much
What was your first gig like? Stressful we only had 6 rehearsals
What was your latest gig? At our hometown
Have you had to cancel a gig? Unfortunately yes we had vehicle problems
Where have you played live this year? We did a 2 week tour out to Nebraska and back
Where do you plan to gig the comming year? All over the U.S.
When did you start to sell merchandise, and what do you have for sale? Ever since our 1st show. We have t-shirts, CDs, and stickers
Where can people buy your merchandise? At our shows currently
What do you think about people downloading music instead of buying records now a days? that's a touchy subject seeing how we don't mind people downloading our music because if they really want it then that means they will listen to it and hopefully share with their friends 
How do you think the music industry have changed because of this? New world we just have to adapt, it's not going back to the way it was so got to continue moving forward even with the new changes. 
What do you think of my work? I think it's awesome you can interview bands around the world. You're a gem and if not for people like yourself, bands may not get discovered because of the work you do. You are just as vital to the music scene as the performers, photographers, promoters, we need them all
How do you think and know that this interview will help you in the music business? Hopefully we get fans from overseas that like and share our music
Do you have any role models or idols? Anyone that can make a living doing what they want to do
Why do you think that they exist? To prove if you want something to happen you gotta make it happen
Is it easier to find inspiration from older bands, or bands that are more active today? Both kinds 
What have been your biggest obstacles? Not rehearsing enough
What advice would you give other bands or artists? You gotta make it happen for yourself and never stop believing in yourself.
How do you get psyched for a gig? We have our own vices
Do you have any new material? We have a few songs were working on and a few we've never tried to play yet
What are your web sites?
How can people reach you? On our Facebook page
What are your plans for the future? To make a living touring the U.S. and hopefully overseas as well
Do you have something to add?
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Thank you so much for your time and please send us an address so that we can send you a shirt sze? stickers and other merch.
Thank you ........Tao

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