interview med Apathy
What is the name of your band? Apathy
Name of the band-members? Currently we don't have a singer, Josh on Drums, Trevor on Bass, Jimmy on guitar, and Wes on guitar.
Where did you grow up? We all kind of grew up in Whittier and Trevor moved to Yorba Linda, he does some traveling back and forth to practice and jam. Josh is our newest drummer and we travel out to his house to get some practicing in too. We're no strangers to traffic.
How old are you? Wes is 26, Jimmy is 23, Trevor is 23 and Josh is 18
Who started the band? Wes, Jimmy, and Trevor were formally in a band call Apathy in Discord but after a long break and new members we cut it short by calling it Apathy. plus we felt it was a totally new different type of beast.
Where have you played 2012/2013? In the past year we have played various venues in the Los Angeles, Hollywood and San Fernando Valley area.
Where can people see you? Mainly in Southern California but we are open about traveling to farther locations if there is a request ;)
Do you have a web-site? Yes! we have a Facebook its , a Twitter @apathychall , and youtube apathychall
What is the name of your best song? its hard to say but we would have to say "The Benthic Depths" that songs just brings major energy to the fans with is fast and diverse parts. crowd favorite and it being fun to play is a plus too.
Who plays what? Trevor plays a 4 string Fender jazz bass , Jimmy has a custom 8 string Agile, Wes has a Custom 8 sting Agile and an 8 string Schecter and Josh plays a double bass tama with axis pedals.
What kind of music are you into? we all love death metal, prog and some black metal. We all have different tastes in music though.
Have you been on tour this summer? No.
Do you have a planned tour anytime soon? We want to, we just need to find a full-time singer.
Who came up with the band name? We use to be called Apathy In Discord and we decided lets cut it short and just call it Apathy. Locally, a lot of people were already calling us Apathy so we said fuck it let's do it!
Who writes the songs? We write the songs collectively, Wes writes a lot of demo material for possible new songs. We also have our own studio so it helps to just jam new stuff and leave it for the next member to find and jam along to. It also helps us make the studio recording sessions go faster.
what song do you play the most? Well it's hard to say, we play our whole EP when we play so we play everything. hahaha
Do you play the same songs each performance? Every performance we'll play the whole Desolate Terra EP in it's entirety, but we also demo new material live. We have another song we play live if we have enough time left in the set we'll play an old song called "Consequences".
Have you released an album or single? We released the song "Immolation" as a teaser before we put out the Desolate Terra EP out for free on our Bandcamp.
Are you working on any new songs?We currently have two songs we're working on for a possible split or another EP release. They don't have any working titles yet but we're pretty much 100% done on one and about 80% done with the other song. Be on the lookout for a new release from us in the Fall.