interview with Taring Gajah
Have any of you played in other bands? Yes there is, one of our guitarist playing in another band
How is it that you started playing music? We each started playing music from the age of about 10 years
What are your names? /Who plays/ what?/how old are you?
Faishal Irfan as a Vocal, 24 years
Gambino Gosal as a Guitar Lead, 21 years
Rico Sri Surya Wahyu Saputra as a Guitar Rhytm, 22 years
Dio Andika as a Bass, 21 years
Heribertus Jimmy as a Drum, 23 years
Have you had other previous members? Yes there are some members we are out because can not share time with the band. Because they are busy to work and some are still in school
Did you make music even when you were young? Yes we play music since young
Where are you from? Tangerang, Indonesia
What year did the band from? 2014
What’s your style of genre? Post Hardcore, Metalcore
How often and where do you rehearse? We rehearse once a week in a Music Studio near our location.
How have you developed since you started with the music? Our first step is to be able to develop music by way of often filling music events so people can get to know our band and songs. Once the band is newly formed, we often spend money on registration fees for every music event, so we can play on the music show. Every month we will fill the event, sometimes in the city somtimes outside the city, sometimes can 2-4 times within 1 month. And after each event we are always with other bands to get to know each other and can share information about music and music event
Do you have other interests of work outside the band? Some of us work and study
What made you decide to make this music? Because of the hobbies and many of our friens who love music and have bands as well
What are your songs about?
1. Monotonisme
2. Behind The Door
3. Dunia Dalam Fana
4. Keep It Running
5. Akhir Sebuah Perang
Who does the composing and writes the lyrics? All members of our band.
Do you start with the music or the lyrics? Sometimes we start with the instrument first, sometimes we start with the lyrics first. Depending on what was obtained first.
Do you compose in a certain enviroment? Yes, in a member house
What language do you sing in? Indonesia and English
What ages are most of your concert attendants? Erratic, some are still teenagers until the old
Do you always play the same song live, or do you vary? Different, sometimes we bring other band song like BRING ME THE HORIZON, ASKING ALEXANDRIA, BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE and other.
Do yo have a regular place you play live often? There, the name of the event is TANGERANG FESTIVAL and the event is held once a year and one rooftop mall in Tangerang City
What was your first gig like?
The band’s first appearance was at the junior high school anniversary event in the city of jakarta. With a small and simple stage.
Because the stage is too small, I was with guitarist and vocalist down from the stage and acting under the stage.
What was your latest gig? This is the last stage of TARING GAJAH
Have you had to cancel gig? We have never canceled an event
Where have you played live this year? March 17, 2018 at a Metal Music event in the city of Sukabumi. The place is quite far away and takes approximately 7 hours drive by car.
Hopefully our gig schedule will increase more
Where do you plan to gig the comming year? I hope next year can perform outside the city and abroad
When did you start to sell merchandise, and what do you have for sale? Maybe after we took out mini albums. T-shirts and mini album tapes
Where can people buy your merchandise? Can directly contact the contact listed on our social media, can also via email or can directly meet us and can also directly come to the clothing store “URBAN DARKNESS” brand that supports us
What do you think about people downloading music instead of buying records now a days? For those who only download our music from buying our cassettes means they are less supportive of us
What do you think of my work? Yes I am very respectful with your work, because your work can be helpful for bands that are still in the stage of struggle as we are better known by the public
How do you think and know that this interview will help you in the music business? We are very excited to be working with you and i thank you very much for helping us in the music bussines JJJJJJ
Do you have any role models or idols? We have different idols
Is it easier to find inspiration from older bands, or bands that are more active today? I think both of them, because the two bands have a difference to each of us to take into one.
What have been your biggest obstacles? Sometimes when we want to perform there is one member we can not participate because there is a job that can not be left behind
What advice would you give other bands or artists? Stay consistent on track, always give positive things to everyone, keep working, and of course for peace
Do you have any new material? Yeah there we are collecting material for the preparation of our mini album
What are your web sites? Facebook : ( Taring Gajah )
Instagram : @TGofficialband Reverbnation :
How can people reach you? Can be via email or phone listed in our social media
What are your plans for the future? Hopefully it’s better and more productive and more likeable more people
Do you have something to add? I think it’s enough