intervju med Pål Strong Band
Har du spelar i något band tidigare? No, this is my first band. But I have just joined some other musicians in another band, singing only in Swedish.
Vad heter du? Pål Strong in Pål Strong Band
vilket instrument utövar du? I sing and write all the lyrics and the music.
Vilket år började du med musiken? I started 2015. I had a stroke which paralyzed the right side of my body. I started to sing in the hospital some days later and songs just came to me so I recorded them. The songs are still coming.
Vart kommer du ifrån? Karlstad, Sweden.
Vad föredrar du att kalla din musik stil? Pop, sing-song. But I have done punk and spiritual music too.
Har du några planer på att börja igen? With what? I am planing two new albums this year.
Vad har du för internet sidor? Spotify, Facebook and instagram.
Har du något att till lägga? I loved music but had never made music before my stroke. Something must have changed in my brain. A stroke of genius maybe :)