interview with Born From Pain

What´s the name of your band? Born From Pain

What made you call the band "Born From Pain"?  An old Earth Crisis song from a record called "Destroy The Machines"

Where are all band members from?/Who does what in the band? The current line-up is: Rob - vocals, Dom - guitar, Servé - guitar, Max - drums, Tommy - bass.  Rob, Serve and Max are Dutch, while Dom and Tommie are German.

What was the ambitions of the band when you started? I wasn't a member yet when the band started out, but I guess back then it was all about playing heavy music and crazy shows. The scene was alive and well in the area back then.

Could you explain your music to someone that haven't heard you? Hard hitting, heavy hardcore with lots of influences from metal and punk as well.

Where was your first gig? Heerlen, Netherlands. The band's hometown.

Where was the latest gig? Thessaloniki, Greece, last show of 10 days in Eastern Europe.

Who writes your songs?/Who writes the music who writes lyrics? Songwriting is mostly done by Servé and me, but everybody in the band gets their say when it comes to new tunes. Rob has always been responsible for any lyrics in Born From Pain.

Who has the best since of humor in the band? I guess we all do in our very own, weird way. You don't wanna be in a van with us for more than two hours, it might get too much for some people.

Why did you pick that particular style?/What are your songs about? Back in 1997 metalcore (the original thing) was taking over and bands like Merauder, Hatebreed, All Out War and many more were a huge influence for Born From Pain. Along with thrash metal from the 80's and some classic punk the band evolved a particular heavy sound over the last 18 years. Every song is different, but in general you could say our lyrics try to give people an idea of what is wrong in our world on many different levels. May it be political, religious, social or even personal flaws that surround you every day. Any album takes a different approach and I guess if you or the readers are actually interested in what we have to say it's best to check it out for yourself, otherwise this answer gets way too long. Maybe one more thing: the hardcore/punk scene, as well as metal, especially in the early days (think Kreator, Napalm Death etc) have always been scenes to have a say and a loud opinion about social and political issues. Something we sometimes miss these days...

Do you write your own material or mainly covers? Own material only. There have been a few covers in the early days (e.g. Killing Time - Brightside was recorded for a compilation), but no covers on any album yet. 

Have you made any albums?/If yes what are they? 

Immortality EP - 1999

Reclaiming The Crown - 2000

Sands Of Time - 2003

In Love With The End - 2005

War - 2006

Survival - 2008

The New Future - 2012

Dance With The Devil 2014

Do you have any clips on YouTube? There's plenty, yes. Music videos as well as live stuff. Check out our latest clip for "Dance With The Devil" here:

How old are you?/What got you started in music? I'm 33 years old. My mom's old records and tapes got me started very early in life. All kinds of 70's rock like Pink Floyd, The Eagles, Led Zeppelin, Emerson Lake & Palmer, Deep Purple, the Doors etc. as well as 80's bands like Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, Ultravox etc. One band that has always been and will alwayss be is Queen. They had it all. The rock, the pop, the glamour and bombastic songs.

How old were you guys when you first stood on stage? I can only speak for myself, but I was 15 years old. Crazy if I think about it now.

Best/worst gig you've played? So many "best gigs" up until now. Wacken in 2006, any With Full Force or Summer Breeze shows we've played. Groezrock in 2007. On top of that a whole lot of club shows that were way more than we could ever have expected. And yes, I won't lie, there were some bad shows of course. Couldn't tell you the worst, though. I try and forget these asap haha.

What places will you be playing in in the imidate future? We have a whole lot of weekends coming up, mainly Germany. Also some cool Festivals again like With Full Force, Punk Rock Holiday in Slovenia and much more.

Witch band is the best you´ve seen? There's been many great shows I've seen, including some of my favorite bands like Metallica, Slayer Type O Negative and the likes. But I have to say, I saw Muse on their Resistance Tour and that was by far the greatest Rock show I've ever witnessed. 

Is it always the same songs live? We usually keep a setlist including a good mix of old and new stuff for a while, but we also switch around some songs from time to time. Whatever we feel like basically.

Have you had any bigger tours from start to now? There's been a few, yes. Any Persistence Tour we've played, there's been 5  incredible weeks with Napalm Death, two fun tours with Six Feet Under to name a few.

How do you get psyched up for a gig? Nothing crazy I guess, usually a good vibe at the show is good enough for me to get psyched. I do have a ritual of 2-3 beers before hitting the stage though. Otherwise I still get too nervous haha.

When did you decide to go all in for the music? We never did. Anybody in the band still has a regular job on the side. There was a point we considered if it's possible to go all in, but in all reality, the hardcore scene is nothing to make much money with. Which, by the way, was never our intention anyway. 

Is it easier to get your inspiration from older bands or from bands more modern? Definitely easier to get from older bands, at least for me. Just because there's usually much more older bands you like. Then again, sometimes a fresh young band can make you listen to things differently and show you how it's down right, just when you thought you've heard it all.

What's the first step when making a new song? Usually the riff comes first. The basic ingredient for any heavy song. But I'm a guitar player, so...For the last record I tried to change my approach a bit and started with a beat. Worked well for some songs I think. But hey, if the riff sucks, the best beat can't help it and vice versa.

What would be your dreams for the band?  I think we've already achieved more than anybody expected. So I'd say I'm happy with all the things we've done and seen already.

Besides your own music, what genres and bands do you listen to? I already named a few bands I listened to growing up and I'm safe to say that I've always been very open minded when it comes to music. From the most underground hc/punk/metal to the biggest stadium pop/rock bands, I can enjoy most of it. Lately I've been listening to the latest albums from Mastodon, Noel Gallagher, At The Gates and some older Blues/Jazz stuff.  

What would be your greatest fears for the future? World War III. Death in the family. Death among friends. Illness.

When you are on stage, what do you fear most then? Nothing really.

Have you been part of any other projects? Not recently, no. There's been a few ideas with friends, but I hardly get the time to actually do it.

Have you been in any other bands? Yes, Bleeding, Drift, Zero Mentality and a few more bands I've helped out with.

What do you work with outside of the band and the music? I started a new job in a small guitar store last year. Pretty decent job if you're into guitars and music in general.

What would you do if there was no music? Never thought about it really. Probably watch more movies (which would be lame without music haha).

What's the funniest/most memorable thing a fan has done for you? The funniest thing is so funny that I won't tell here. The most memorable is our die-hard fan Micha. His two favorite bands are Status Quo and Born From Pain. No lie. It's not that he's done anything special for us, but just the fact he comes out to so many shows is cool enough!

How often do you rehearse? Only when we get together to write new songs. Other than that, we don't rehearse.

Name 2 of your own songs you like at the moment? The title track of our new album "Dance With The Devil" and "Chokehold".

Do you have any webpages?

Any pearls of wisdom for all other bands out there? Whatever you do, be yourself. Otherwise people will notice soon enough and they will hate you for that.

How would you describe your sound in one sentence Heavy Hardcore with a Metal edge.

Do you have anything to add? Thanks for the questions and thanks to anybody taking their time reading this! - Dom / BFP


1 Ditte:

Roligt för en "äldre dam" dock musikintresserad att få ta del a något nytt i musikväg. Har faktiskt en gång varit på stadion och lyssnat till Gun´s and Roses.
Och det var mäktigt.

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