interview with Born From Pain
Have any of you played in other bands? R: Yes. I played in Feedinf The Fire, Wheel of Progress, Backdraft and Bloodsport. Dom played in Drift, Bleeding and Zero Mentality, Max played in Arma Gathas, Tribe War, Diggy Dex, Serve Played in 37 Stabwoundz and Dead Man's Curse. Tommie played in Look My Way and Another Victory.
How is it that you started playing music? R: Just picked uo instruments and did it. Self taught. Most of us wanted to start bands and just did it.
What are your names? / Who plays what? / How old are you? Rob Franssen-vocals 44, Dominik Stammen - guitar 34, Max van Winkelhof - drums 25, Serve Olieslagers - guitar 36, Tommie Gawellek Bass 34
Have you had other previous members? Yes, Loads. Too many to mention over the course of 19 years haha
Did you make music even when you were young? R: I started singing in bands from when I was 16 years old.
Where are you from? R: Born and raised in The Oostelijk Mijnstreek, Holland. Now living in Essen, Germany. The band is 50% from Holland and 50% from germany. We are originally a dutch band though.
What year did the band form? R: 1997
What's your style of genre? R: Heavy Hardcore
What inspires you? R: Whatever goes on inside us and what goes on in the world. The will to be part of change. Musically everything thats hard heavy music . From Slayer to Agnostic Front.
How often and where do you reherse?R: Only when we write new songs. IN holland or germany.
How have you developed since you started with the music? R: I think we have developed more as songwriters. I think we still have our signature sound but put the songs together a whole lot better than we used to .
Do you have other interests of work outside the band? R: Yes. we all work for a living. From scientific research to painting. Besides that we like trainers, football and the teh nice things in life like nature, good food and a nice beer.
Are you looking for a booking agency, and what are your thoughts around that? R: No. We've been with MAD Tourbooking since forever. I think that it's not a bad thing at all. I also think that if bands book themselves its great as well! On that thought, I think every young/new band should be first booking themselves before anyone else does it. Don't be lazy or think other will make it happen. We booked ourselves for the first 5 years of the band's excistance,
Are you looking for a label, and what are your thoughts around that? R: no. We are on Beatdownhardware and very happy. Same as with the booking; young/new bands should grind it firs. Go out and play your ass off, practice and make a good record and maybe put it out yourself first. Experience what DIY is and live it. It will make you appreciate things more.
What made you decide to make this music? R: The energy and the attitude of it
What are your songs about? R: Some are personal but most are socio-critical. We wanna be a voice for change, even if it is just a tiny part of the process.
Who does the composing and writes the lyrics? R: I do. always have.
Do you start with the music or the lyrics? R: Usually the music. But there are sometimes lyrics before a song.
Do you compose in a certain inviroment? R: Usually in practice space where everybody brings their ideas to the floor. But sometimes people have ideas at home and work on them there.
Have you done any covers live? R: we did Killing Time, Hatebreed, Despair , Slugfest and on a rare occasion Dio, Bon Jovi and Metallica. We recorded the Killing Time song and a Slime song for comps once
What language do you sing in? R : English
What are the least and most people to attend one of your gigs? R: Headline shows we maxed out at about 750 people a few years ago, least would probably 1 paying person once in Hamburg in 1999 haha. Festivals is obviously a different thing.
What ages are most of your concert attendants? R: Between 14 and 50 I guess. Really a good mix bewteen yound and old
Do you always play the same songs live, or do you vary? R: There's a core of about 10-11 we always play . The rest might vary
Do you have a regular place you play live often? R: No
What was your first gig like? R: Cool. Was in our hometown opening for Despair. Good response, untight playing haha.
What was your latest gig? R: Litomerice, czech perublic at a small fest called Death Coffe Party. Great show!
Have you had to cancel a gig? R: Yup. Sometimes happens unfortunately.
Where have you played live this year? R: All over the place . From Eastern Europe to France and all inbetween.
Where do you plan to gig the comming year? R: Allover europe and the US and South east asia
When did you start to sell merchandise, and what do you have for sale? R; From the first show on. From shirts to caps, from leggings to sweaters.
Where can people buy your merchandise? R: at the Born From Pain section on the Impericon website or at our own store at
What do you think about people downloading music instead of buying records now a days?R: It is what it is. Its great for people getting to know your songs and coming to shows because they know you from streaming and downloading. It sucks for labels.
How do you think the music industry have changed because of this? R: Less mone to promote bands and lesser chances for younger bands to get a record deal.
What do you think of my work? R: good, keep going !
How do you think and know that this interview will help you in the music business? R: I dont think it will help me industry but thats not the goal anyway
Do you have any role models or idols? R: Inspirational people yes. No idols.
Is it easier to find inspiration from older bands, or bands that are more active today? R: both I think. Goes for the music, the message as well as the attitude.
What have been your biggest obstacles? R: Listening to other people telling you what is good for your band when they really dont know what is good for your band because you are the only one that knows.
What advice would you give other bands or artists? R: grind it out before you look for a booker or label. Do it all yourself first. Know what it is to sleep on dirty cold floors, be in debt cos you are not getting paid to record or play a show. Earn your shot at something. A lot of people think someone will come and do it for you. Some bands think all their tours involve nice hotels and nightliners even when they just play in front of 20 people a night. Get real and WORK for your succes.
How do you get psyched for a gig? R: Vibing off the crowd and listening to Gangstarr
Do you have any new material? R: currently writing new material. Check out our last album Dance With The Devil on BDHW recoords in the meantime.
What are your web sites? R: Everything is linked from there.
How can people reach you? R: Write to BFP facebook or [email protected]
What are your plans for the future? R: Tour, write songs and have fun doing it.
Do you have something to add? R: thanks for the interview and check us out live somewhere! Buy Dance with the devil or download it.