interview with Faca Crevaro
Did any of you play in other bands? Actually, before starting to develop ideas for my solo project, I participated in several bands, but mostly in the metal genre such as Garage SA, who was my first band in adolescence framed in the Hard Rock genre, Krücis who it's a power metal band and more currently Terrä, which was my last band experience before I started working on my first solo album. Outside of that there were several study projects, among the most important ones for me, since in a certain way my way of composing was "Change Machone Proyect", which we developed with a drummer friend (Valentino Larrocca) and of which I remain as I record two recorded songs. As a separate point I also played in a FolckRock band from my city with which we made popular songs.
How did you start playing music? My approach to music, more specifically to the guitar began at the age of 16, I always liked to draw and when I did I liked listening to music, within those bands that I listened to was Queen, which marked my approach to Rock and Rata Blanca, the band that impelled me to learn to play the guitar, since her guitarist is very showy and I was always struck by her solos. It was only when I was 19 years old that I decided to learn and dedicate more and more hours of practice to the instrument.
What's your names? / Who plays what? / How old are you? My name is Facundo Crevaro, my nickname is Faca and I mainly play the guitar. My age is 32 years.
Have you had other previous members? Stable members, no, given that it is a solo project that encompasses Faca Crevaro, if both in my first album "Shades of Humanity" and in "Ramé" my new album that is in the process of recording I counted and how much with great friends and guest musicians,
Did you make music even when you were young? I always liked composing and when I was 23 when we started rehearsing with "Garaje S.A" it was when that part of me began to develop very little.
Where are you from? I'm from Azul, a city located in the center of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In what year was the band formed? My solo project started in 2014, with the first sketches of what would later be my first album.
What is your gender style? Actually, what I'm looking for is to cover several subgenres within what is metal, such as Progressive Metal, MetalCore, TrashMetal, Djent, Shred, among others and in turn I like to nuance with ballad-like environments and interludes. to be able to play with the climates in my songs.
What inspires you? Actually, there is no specific topic, what inspires me most is to feel the sound of the guitar, outside of that when looking for a theme for my songs I really like what is linked to existentialism, dreams, is very broad ranges of options, but I go, what motivates me the most is simply listening to the guitar.
How often and where do you keep? Actually, I try to practice and practice every day for around three hours, both my subjects and in turn I continue studying and looking to learn new things.
How have you developed since you started with music? In the vast majority of self-taught, I have known very good friends musicians who have helped me a lot to grow and now I started taking classes, you always have to keep learning and nowadays the internet is a great tool.
Do you have other interests working outside the band? Actually, I have participated as a guest musician and transferor in other projects, but nowadays my source of income is not music, since in Argentina it is difficult to be able to live clearly in a band, it depends a lot on the luck factor and that The music you make is purely commercial.
Are you looking for a booking agency and what do you think about that? I believe that it is always sought, even indirectly, the possibility of continuing to grow in what one does and that the music is heard and reaches many listeners.
What made you decide to make this music? Simply because it makes me happy and fills me with energy.
What are your songs about? As previously mentioned, the themes addressed in my songs tend to vary a lot, but in my first album I looked for a conceptual line as far as possible, focusing instead on an existentialist theme and questioning in general terms "where we come from and where come on".
Who makes the composition and writes the lyrics? The songs I write and I compose, except what my guests do, since I like to give them creative freedom so they bring freshness to each song.
Do you start with music or lyrics? Usually with music.
Do you make up in a certain inviroment? Not specifically, on many occasions ideas or inspiration comes when we least expect it.
Have you made any live version? From my first album not yet, if everything goes well soon I will be going out to play presenting both albums live.
In what language do you sing? The only song sung from my first album is in English.
How old are most of your concert assistants? When I played with the bands that I mentioned before, the age range was generally from 18 onwards, except when they were open-air festivals, there were family environments and there were children from older people.
Do you always play the same songs live or vary? We used to have a defined list of topics, but we always wanted to rotate the topics so that we did not get bored either.
How was your first concert? My first concert was in a pub in my city and despite the inexperience and it was enjoyed very much.
What was your last concert? My last band concert was in 2016, since from then on I started working on my first album.
Did you have to cancel a concert? Yes, coincidentally that last concert due to bad weather, it started to rain while we played "Cowboy from Hell" by Pantera.
Where do you plan to play next year? The idea as mentioned above is to come out next year to present both albums live. And in the first instance I would like to cover a large part of my country.
When did you start selling merchandise and what do you have to sell? I started selling my first album "Shades of Humanity" in February of 2017.
Where can people buy your merchandise? My album is available in all digital stores and can also be purchased in physical format through my Facebook page as well as from my profile on BandCamp.
What do you think about people downloading music instead of buying discs now? And it is a complicated issue because in fact you do it yourself, but despite that I recognize that the most appropriate thing when you really like the material of an artist is to buy it, since that way it helps the artist to continue growing and investing in equipment and supplies to offer the best album after album.
How do you think the music industry has changed because of this?And, depending on the economic situation, it became perhaps complicated, given that the digital era has taken the place of the compact disc and therefore the industry as we knew it, but what this genre is positive is that self-management grows a lot, that you can access more easily to record your own material and that the means of dissemination are more accessible to everyone.
What do you think of my work? I think that journalistic work was always fundamental to help spread and make new artists known, I think it is one of the fundamental branches of the industry as well.
How do you think and know that this interview will help you in the music business? As we say in my country "Todo Suma", for me the simple fact that you are interviewing me is a very important one because it shows interest in what I do and I know that it can help more people to know what what I love doing, playing the guitar and making music.
Do you have a model or idols? Actually, no, I have always sought to learn from many musicians, rather I have influences, but idols or models specifically not.
Why do you think they exist? That I do not have them does not mean that for others they do not exist, if they exist is for what they generate and awaken in others, in many cases it is admiration or the simple fact of wanting to be like the artist in question, I think.
Is it easier to find inspiration in older bands or bands that are more active now a days? Personally I like both options.
What have been your biggest obstacles? I do not have a specific example in mind, but the most recurrent is to find people who share the same interest and emotion when forming a band or musical project.
What advice would you give to other bands or artists? That they insist with what they like and never lower their arms, sooner or later if there is a will and fundamentally self-criticism all that is good comes.
How do you get excited for a concert? I take a lot of anxiety before going on stage and usually about 40 minutes before playing I start practicing with my guitar unplugged so I put my fingers in shape.
Do you have any new material? Yes, at this moment I'm working on "Ramé", my second solo album.
What are your websites?
My sites are:
Facebook page:
Youtube channel:
Online Store:
How can people get there? They just write me on my Facebook page, which is where I am the most.
What are your plans for the future? Continue learning and improving as a musician, to be able to join a professional band or project and above all to continue working on my music.
Do you have something to add? Simply thank you from the heart for the interview.