intervju med Doojiman & The Exploders

What are your names? / Who plays what?
Doojiman – Vocals
Woogie Wombach – Guitar / Vocals
Patlanta – Guitar
Kallefornia – Bass / Vocals
Dan Juan - Drums

Where are you from? Stockholm, Sweden
What year did the band form? In 2013 Doojiman & The Exploders was formed as a dream team by the mighty Doojiman and his right-hand man Woogie Wombach. They flew far and wide through the galaxy to put together a robot army of cool kids under the name The Exploders. On their travels through The Milky Way they picked up quite a few influences ranging from Ramones, Alice Cooper and The Stooges to The Hives, Turbonegro and Bloodhound Gang. And of course the sounds of animals such as Dingos, Owls and Bunnies. Mixing all of the above into a super weapon to conquer Earth.
What's type of music do you play? Space-Action-Garage, Power-Bubbelgum-Rock, Disco-Pop-Stoner, Garage-Rock-Love-Songs.
What inspires you? Milk, Dogs, Purifying Beer Through Sour Socks and The Mighty Dee Dee Ramone!
Are you looking for a booking agency, and what are your thoughts around that? 
Yes, right now we are looking for a booking agency to help us navigate our space-ship through the worm holes of Europe. If you have any navigation experience DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT US
Are you looking for a label, and what are your thoughts around that? No not really, we don’t like to put labels on people. However, we released our last album “Doojiman & The Exploders II: Electric Boogaloo” on Beluga Records!

Who writes the music and lyrics?Doojiman and Woogie Wombach!
Do you have a regular place you play live often? Hornsgatan 119 / Hundranitton Records, our own studio!
What was your latest gig?

On a boat! YES we were on a boat. Hey look at me mom I played on a boat!
Rock The Boat – with Turbonegro, Bombus and Tullbronegro.

When did you start to sell merchandise, and what do you have for sale?
Right from the get go. People wants cool shit you know! Of course, just message us for information on all the cool stuff you can buy.
Vinyls, T-shirts, random shit. This spring there will be some new shirts coming out and also patches and metal pins! Check out

What do you think of my work? You’re determinated to do your own thing
What have been your biggest obstacles? Ourselves of course.
What advice would you give other bands or artists? 
Read more Robbex interviews, Practise and Ask us to play with you!
Do you have any new material?

Doojiman & The Exploders II: Electric Boogagloo – 12” Vinyl with 11 songs released on January 24th 2020.
We will also release at least one more if not two more 12” Vinyls this year.
So make sure to follow us on the social medias to stay in the loop when we release music and design new merch!
Where can people follow the Dooji-world?
[email protected]



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