intervju med The Search

Have any of you played in other bands?

Razmig, who is the band leader and the only The Search-member who’s been around for all the 21 years of band history has not as far as I know. He sort of embodies The Search!

Me, Johann, used to sing in a band called Light In Your Life and before that, when I was a kid really, I played the drums in proggy heavy metal band called Defcon 1 *giggle*.

Right now I’m singing in a duo known as Icander (ex-Desperat K).

Erik, our bass player, used to be in LIYL as well and some other local Uppsala acts back in the stone age. Right now he is playing in a great band known as Skilda Världar. 

Viktor, guitar, I’m not that sure of but I know he’s currently in something with the wonderful name Swish Boys. 

What are your names? / Who plays what?

Razmig Tekeyan – guitar, vocals. (1999-)

Viktor Thylwe – guitar (2013-)

Erik Nyberg – bass guitar (2019-)

Johann Bernövall – drums (2019-)

Have you had other previous members? The Search has, like any rock band worth mentioning, about 20 past members on the list I think.

Where are you from? Uppsala, Sweden. The most beautiful city of Uppland, Sweden. 

What year did the band form? 1999. (I was 11 back then!! And obviously not in the band, God, I’m so young!).

What's your style of genre? Pop music. 

What inspires you?

I’m personally inspired by early Pink Floyd in everything I do and probably my drumming as well. Nick Mason has a cool unpretentious style. 

You should really ask Razmig, who writes the songs, about the influences on The Search music. But my best guess is that he is inspired by modern life. His lyrics are very much delicate, sad and beautiful portraits of it.

Are you looking for a booking agency, and what are your thoughts around that? It would be nice! No more thoughts I’m afraid. 

Are you looking for a label, and what are your thoughts around that? We have a great label. Aenaos Records from Germany!

What are your songs about? I think they are about different aspects of life. The early stuff, which I was and still am a huge fan of, had more sex in them. 

Who does the composing and writes the lyrics? Razmig! Sometimes us other guys have a say about some details in the arrangements but that’s all. 

Do you compose in a certain inviroment? I wouldn’t know! But I believe he sits at home, strumming the guitar in a really cool way.

Have you done any covers live? Not with this set up of the band, no! We are about to do our first live performances this spring!

What are the least and most people to attend one of your gigs? I think earlier versions of The Search have played for everything between 5 and 500 people. 

What ages are most of your concert attendants? No idea, sorry!

Do you always play the same songs live, or do you vary? It has varied in the past and I think it will in the future too. 

Do you have a regular place you play live often? No, not yet!

What was your first gig like? That was decades before I joined the band. I’ll check with Raz, ok? 

What was your latest gig? For me it was my brothers wedding last summer. For The Search I think it was 2017. 

Where have you played live this year? Nowhere yet, but soon some dates will hopefully be announced. It will be in our hometown Uppsala. 

When did you start to sell merchandise, and what do you have for sale? There’s CD:s for sale. Is that merch, though?

Where can people buy your merchandise? In our webstore:

What do you think about people downloading music instead of buying records now a days? I think it’s great! But I like physical albums more. Long Players, please!

How do you think the music industry have changed because of this? I guess everyone is on their own for better or for worse. But I wouldn’t know since I’m really not part of the industry. Just banging them old drums. 

What do you think of my work? I love the blog! You seem to come from a place of honest love for music, which is awesome.

How do you think and know that this interview will help you in the music business? Hopefully it will make some more people hear Razmigs fantastic songs. It’s all on Spotify, FYI!

Do you have any role models or idols? People tend to stop having idols but I never did. At 32 I still adore the likes of Syd Barrett (Pink Floyd), Jeffrey Lee Pierce (Gun Club) and Ace Frehley (Kiss). What a strange yet wonderful trio!

As far as role models I think one must look outside the rock band world, right? That’s boring.

Why do you think that they exist? Idols? Well, because we all need to escape the dread of being alive and dream away!

Is it easier to find inspiration from older bands, or bands that are more active today? I stopped caring about new music ten years ago. Sad, really. 

What have been your biggest obstacles? For me, it’s been learning to play the drums again after a looooong break. I’m getting there I think. 

What advice would you give other bands or artists? Keep on rockin’ in the free world etc! 

Do you have any new material? Yes! The new album “Some Place Far Away” just came out! Check it out, you crazy blog-reading people!

What are your web sites?

And we’re on Spotify, just type in The Search. 

Do you have something to add? Thanks for letting us be on your great blog again!

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